During the early stages of the Covid pandemic, a feeling grew among the masses. The desire to ‘go back to nature’ became prevalent.

Many people wanted the products they used on their skin and hair to include natural ingredients, and be effective and safe.

For Althea Branton, natural products could only be efficacious and safe if they were based on scientific knowledge. But she would often feel disappointed by the range of products on the market.

Keeping those essential values in mind, Althea made the leap from amateur maker to Cosmetic Formulator.

With the help of the Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club and a desire to formulate natural products based on scientific knowledge, Althea created her own brand.

The science behind the Club

For Althea, who began her journey making some basic products, it wasn’t enough to simply copy natural skincare recipes, anymore. She wanted to evolve and to create her own skincare products.

Scientific knowledge is the difference between copying a skincare recipe from a YouTube video, and formulating a personally crafted, unique, natural skincare product that is safe and effective.

“There came a point where I really wanted to learn actual formulation. I mean, it’s really easy just to follow a recipe online, but I wanted to learn the science behind it. I wanted to know the why.”

Althea knew her curiosity into creating natural skincare and haircare products, rooted in science, would lead to her looking into further education.

“We are taught that once we’ve gone to university or college, that’s where the learning ends. But it doesn’t matter at what age or what stage you are in. I needed to learn the hows, the ins and outs and the whys of cosmetic science.”

Althea found the School of Natural Skincare online and, from her home in Canada, enrolled in the Diploma in Natural Skincare Formulation and the Diploma in Natural Haircare Formulation. 

Soon after Althea completed the courses, the Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club launched. Now Althea is a member of a global club that extends knowledge to hundreds of members.

“What stood out for me to be a part of this club was just continuing the positive experience that I had with the School of Natural Skincare. So I knew that the courses were put together in a very mindful and intentional manner. I knew that the Club would have the same impact.”

Following on from the “amazingly accredited courses” the School of Natural Skincare has to offer, the Club’s team of professional cosmetic scientists and formulators have spent hours refining and testing formulations to share with members.

Bite-sized classes, extensive courses, lab reports and results, formulating resources, skills and equipment… the Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club gives members the chance to build on their knowledge with advanced materials. Althea says;

“The Club, so far; it’s challenged me to create new and different products. The formulation examples in the Club, they’re way more advanced and require a bit more thought.”

And Althea knows that the science behind the products is essential for her brand. At the core of everything that she is creating at the moment for her own brand is functionality, efficacy. Her products have to work.

The School of Natural Skincare provides information deeply rooted in cosmetic science with quality of knowledge at the forefront of its training. 

And as the amount of content in the Club increases, month by month, so too will members’ confidence in their knowledge of formulating. Althea testifies;

“Now I’m in a club, my confidence has skyrocketed. My confidence is absolutely infinite.”

As the Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club expands and evolves, members can grow and develop alongside it.

Developing intellectually, emotionally and mentally is something the Club encourages and supports.

A sense of community

By becoming a member of The Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club, Althea soon found herself at the core of a richly diverse community of global members.

“The one thing that this Club offers me that I can’t find anywhere else is community; people who believe in cosmetic formulation, believe in cosmetic chemistry and cosmetic science, but also have a strong affinity towards using natural products.”

This “invaluable” feeling of comradery, gave Althea a sense that she was not alone in her journey towards building a natural skincare brand. Hundreds  of people from all backgrounds, around the planet had the same interest and were members of the Club.

“When you’re studying, it could be lonesome. But once you’re in the Club you have that opportunity to ask questions and connect with other people. I think community and having that connection has been the X factor for me.”

Since joining the Club, Althea has developed a better idea of what is possible, of what she can actually achieve. She had gained a new wealth of knowledge of cosmetic formulation and a “beautiful introduction into cosmetic science and cosmetic chemistry”.

Getting a chance to meet, virtually, with other people on a similar journey, sharing ideas, getting ideas from the example formulations and the courses within the club, have given Althea the freedom to go beyond what she ever thought possible.

The Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club has taken the core knowledge from both the haircare and skincare diplomas to a level beyond;

“When you have formulating knowledge, you can create anything you’d like. But the source of the knowledge is key. Having that knowledge and ability to create products is beyond anything I can imagine.” 

So, as Althea continues to expand her knowledge and her natural skincare and haircare brand continues to grow, her core values remain the same; science, nature and community.

“One of the super exciting things about my products is that space between nature and cosmetic science. It’s taking all of the amazing things that this planet has to offer and putting them into super efficacious formulations that work. 

I can see a vision for a product and with the knowledge within the Club I can make that product come to life. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity.”

The Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club 

This is a global community of like-minded passionate and confident natural cosmetic formulators who study alongside each other, choosing the classes, courses and learning materials that excite and interest them the most. 

Club Members get to collaborate with each other in the Private Online Support Community, Live Monthly Formulator Forums hosted on zoom and directly through the Member Directory.

To find out more about the Club just click here and do get in touch with us on hello@schoolofnaturalskincare.com with any questions you may have.

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Science, nature and community: Below the surface of the Natural Cosmetic Formulation Club Student success stories

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