
Makeup Formulation

Beyond Mineral Makeup: All the Natural Color Cosmetics You Can Make

Mineral makeup is a wonderful place to start when you are new to formulating natural makeup products. That’s why the first part of our Diploma

Pigments Used in Natural Color Cosmetics: Mineral vs Botanical

In natural and organic cosmetics we have two options for where we obtain our colorants: botanical pigments and mineral pigments. In this article we want

Formulating Natural, Organic and Vegan Makeup and Color Cosmetics

One of the best things about formulating your own skincare and cosmetics is formulating products your way – in alignment with your values, ideals and

Formulating Natural Makeup vs Natural Skincare: What’s Different? What Do You Need To Know?

Are you a successful natural skincare or haircare formulator, and feel like you want to create makeup but don’t know where to start? Do you

How to Make Your Own Mineral Makeup

A big part of making our own natural cosmetics is mineral makeup, but finding reliable and accurate information about it is hard to come by.